Elaine (Yakama citizen from the Kamiltpah and Wilawitis bands) is respected for both her professional and educational accomplishments as well as her dedication in the longhouse communities to the culture of the Columbia River Plateau people. Prior to taking on her role as Watershed Department Manager at the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), Elaine worked in a number of different capacities for the Yakama Nation Fisheries program, including project manager for the Rock Creek Fish and Habitat project, Hydrosystems Oversight Coordinator, and Environmental Coordinator.
Elaine’s work and experience makes her uniquely prepared to combine traditional wisdom and knowledge with Western science in the efforts to save salmon and the rivers where they live.
She has also served as an Executive Board Member of Columbia Land Trust , board member of the Friends of the White Salmon, and partners with Columbia Riverkeeper, an organization that protects the Columbia River, the environment, and supports tribes to protect treaty-reserved resources.
Elaine holds a BSc in Aquatic and Fisheries Science from the University of Washington; a MSc in Resources Management from Central Washington University; a Certification in River Restoration from Portland State University; and is currently pursuing a PhD in Natural Resources and Conservation from the University of Idaho.